My 19-month-old little girl needs her bangs cut very badly - they are constantly in her eyes. She pulls barretts out of her hair and has even figured out how to pull out rubber bands. We cut her bangs ourself a couple of times when she was younger but the last time we messed up so badly that we ended up taking her to Wal-Mart to get them fixed and she ended up looking like a boy. The back could probably be shaped, but my husband wants to let it (all - even bangs) grow out; she just can't see with all that hair in her eyes. Any suggestions for where to take her (preferrably in the Omaha area) but any suggestions and/or ideas are welcome and wanted.
Suggestions for toddler girl's haircut?
There's a nice salon in the Crossroads mall that takes children - I don't remember the name, since it's been a couple years since I lived there. They sell lots of salon brand shampoos and conditioners (try Kenra or Loma brands if they feature them there!) and I think they're on the bottom floor. Like I said, I don't remember exactly - so many malls in Omaha. Ask for a stylist who is used to doing kids' cuts, especially razor cuts.
Is your child okay with having water spritzed onto her? Would she be happy if you made that into a little game? Children's hair should be cut while wet, but it is impractical to shampoo in those difficult sinks at salons. For my regular clients who bring in their small children, I can spritz the hair with water or sometimes it is in the child's best interest if I dunk the comb in water and comb through the hair. I always show a child that cutting coesn't hurt by taking a very tiny trim off mummy or daddy's hair, for reassurance.
Most often I like to cut a little girl's hair with a razor, as the hair looks wispier and tends to lay better. I work quickly and tend to just cut the perimeter of hair, rather than going into the interior of the hair, like I would for a grownup. For a two year old, I suggest a chin-length bob that gets a little longer toward the front, then shortens to almost-blunt cut bangs above the eyebrows but not as short as "China Doll" bangs. VERY adorable and it looks proper on any little girl. It will save you SO much time in the morning because it's easier to rinse shampoo out, thus reducing possibly traumatic bathtimes, and MUCH easier to comb - long hair equals snarls and matting.
It is entirely impractical for someone to expect a two-year-old to keep barrettes in to keep her hair out of her eyes, simply because a parent wants a certain look for the child. Before I became a cosmetologist I was a preschool teacher and did NOT have time to run around replacing barettes or combing too-long hair. When a little girl's hair is a certain length it can get into her mouth while she sleeps, presenting a hazard.
Hair doesn't just get in eyes when it's long - for a very young child it can also tickle the cheeks, causing scratching during sleep or waking hours. Often, daddies have an ideal of the way they want their little girls to look like, but it is not right to lay those ideals on a toddler who cannot possibly take care of her hair herself. When she is older and can comb at least her bangs, then you can see if letting it grow would be a good idea.
Suggestions for toddler girl's haircut?
Dimensions In Hair %26amp; Kids Kuts
Since 1974
402-474-4485 115 N 28, Lincoln, NE 68503