Saturday, August 1, 2009

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

mk so my parnets dont really like my bf because he is in a band and because he has longish surfer hair. its cute though. and everytime i mention him there like u shudnt befriend him like this ..he has nothing in common with u. and im like ahhh. what do i do??

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

Sorry but a lot of you people are being jerks. Weren't you teenagers at one point? And don't you remember the pain this sort of thing caused? Stop feeling superior because you dropped out of mommy's womb a few years before this girl and give her some advice.

If your parents' only concerns are his hair, his band, and this seeming incompatibility, then let them get to know him. If they learn that he is a good person, they will learn to live with the rest. If, however, he's been in trouble with the law, is significantly older or something like that, you need to understand that your parents are only looking out for you and you need to respect that.

Good luck to you!

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

Dear Yahoo Answers: Please create a new category Teenagers with Relationship Angst (Caution: Only for the mentally-challenged)!

I mean, for God閳ユ獨 Sake, don閳ユ獩 you little morons have homework to complete? Go to bed already!

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

Dear Yahoo Answers: Please create a new category Teenagers with Relationship Angst (Caution: Only for the mentally-challenged)!

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

Parents only want the best for their kids!!!!!! Be thankful as some parents do not care at all!!!!!!!

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

If in your heart you know its love don't let anyone deter you from doing whats right.

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

well like um.. just like um...get over you know...

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

What's a parnet?

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

ur parents seem old school it's ok mine are to just deal with it

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

You must a teen....stay with him, rebel...give your parents hell!! The best part of being a teenager!!

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

parnets?? mk?? What who are they?

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

That's twice you spelled parents as parnets...odd!

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

take them all out somewhere and show them the "better" side of him that way they wont think hes just some guy in a band with long hair

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

Dear Yahoo Answers: Please create a new category Teenagers with Relationship Angst (Caution: Only for the mentally-challenged)!

I mean, for God閳ユ獨 Sake, don閳ユ獩 you little morons have homework to complete? Go to bed already!

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

boia, just dont mention him and they dont have to know. but u really should listen to ur parents, trust me, i totally understand, but still, j ust listen to tem so well, ya

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

well most parents just want what is best for there children but they also have to relize that there children have to learn from there own mistakes. and besides if you like him that is all that matters it is not your parents that are dating him

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

I know this is duplicate, but so was your question.

You should probably talk with your parents calmly and find out what it is they do not like about him. They may be off target in their opinion, or they may be right on. As we grow older we develop a sense of people we meet. Sometimes parents get a feeling about someone that all they can say is "something just feel wrong about him". I don't have daughters, I have two sons, but I have had several young men I felt that way about that my son wanted to hang around. One of them ended up in jail for theft, and the other (God rest his soul) died in a fight over a cell phone. Another young man surprised me and became a very mature and responsible person.

So, at least give them a shot to explain their feelings to you. And then keep that information in the back of your mind. Cause even I know you will want to see him no matter what they say. But at least you have their feelings to guide you as well.

In addition to your new information, perhaps have him bring his guitar over and play a song that you feel your parents will like so they can see his talent. Also, ensure he uses words like yes ma'am, No ma'am, Yes sir, No sir. Too many young men now day's don't display proper courtesies when meeting the parents. And this is due to their own parents not enforcing it upon them.

Sounds like a cool guy. Hope he can gain your parents trust.

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

Parrents wishes your future full of happines and joy.

My parnets dont want me to see my bf?

Bring him over for dinner, that's if he's not too cool for that. Let him show them that he's not all that bad.

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