Saturday, August 1, 2009

A riddle if you dare!!! beware, and

never mind that intro, here is the riddle, what is tan and sweaty and camoflage all over, plus has a bazooka, and a bad accent??

A) arnold schwarzenegger from predator

2) elton john and a band of monkeys with bazookas

Q) my grandmother on a unicycle riding by giving me the finger

A riddle if you dare!!! beware, and

iv) It's Patrick Swayze, on a bear rug, butt naked except for ear muffs and cowboy spurs, giving you a sexy growl, ggggrrrrrrrrrrrr...

A riddle if you dare!!! beware, and

mwahahahaha.. ahahaha

A riddle if you dare!!! beware, and

All of the above. A, 2, and Q!

A riddle if you dare!!! beware, and

A!!! It has gotta be A! I hate arnold schwarzenegger!

A riddle if you dare!!! beware, and

its A ...

A riddle if you dare!!! beware, and

A Governor himself

A riddle if you dare!!! beware, and

what are you talking about?

A riddle if you dare!!! beware, and

A) arnold schwarzenegger from predator

A riddle if you dare!!! beware, and

It's a trick question, guys!

The correct answer is:

Z) Julio Iglesias on Ambien, hallucinating that he is Rambo, while chewing Bazooka bubble gum.

A riddle if you dare!!! beware, and

Ahm phetthy shoo' et'ss Ahnold Schwaazennegah...

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