Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm going through puberty at 12 and i cant sing? why? because i want to sing again?

i like 80s hair bands so the high pitch singing i could do that but now i cant i need anything to figure out why and how to fix it

I'm going through puberty at 12 and i cant sing? why? because i want to sing again?

Your vocal fold are growing, maybe up to a centimeter, during puberty. As they get longer and thicker, your range (notes you can hit) and tone quality (what makes you sound like you) will change. After puberty, your voice will settle, but it will never be what it was. (It will be even better!)

Don't sweat the loss of range. With some training, you should be able to get some your high notes back. You will just need to approach them differently, and use a different technique.

If your voice is very breathy right now, air is leaking through your vocal folds because they are not closing all the way. This is most likely due to one side being very slightly longer the the other. It happens sometimes during puberty. (Have you ever had one hand or foot slightly bigger? It's the same principle). Be of good cheer, this will pass soon.

I'm going through puberty at 12 and i cant sing? why? because i want to sing again?

Your voice just gets deeper. You might have to invest in a voice coach to work your way back up to that high pitch. And you have to continually do it or you will lose it.

I'm going through puberty at 12 and i cant sing? why? because i want to sing again?

Puberty is the key word. It will cause your voice to deepen. You may still be able to hit the higher notes, but you will have to put effort into it and may even need to take some training.

I'm going through puberty at 12 and i cant sing? why? because i want to sing again?

It will fix itself over time. Let nature take its course. Of course you could do that when you were younger, but it doesn't sound as good coming from a child's voice as it does a man's. You want to sound like a heavy metal rocker, not Michael Jackson! (I am assuming anyway!) So this is a good thing!!

Take this time and learn some breathing exercises and/or learn to play an instrument and be patient. There is more that goes into singing then just your vocal chords moving. Do some research on the internet about it. If you are going to do a lot of this harsh kind of singing, you should probably learn to do it correctly anyway. This time goes fast, and I can tell you, as a person who was singing on stage (thanks to my dad) that I was a much better singer as a teenager/young adult, that when I was a child, and even now if I sing a song I learned at like 16, it sounds better than something I have learned as an adult, so just be patient. It goes faster than you think.

I'm going through puberty at 12 and i cant sing? why? because i want to sing again?

i,m singer people say i,m good to

I'm going through puberty at 12 and i cant sing? why? because i want to sing again?

Um so maybe voice lessons like me!!! I'm 12 too!!!

I'm going through puberty at 12 and i cant sing? why? because i want to sing again?

You can't fix it. It's puberty you can't stop it. It will end though and when it does you will sound like you did before maybe even better.

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